Thursday, May 15, 2008

Exit from the bowels

Since I have been talking about my bowels a lot, which is not surprising given my Viennese upbringing, I feel I have to move on to a different subject. Otherwise my blog will be censored for anal redentiv-mess.
Anyway I finally stopped my fasting regime and started eating again. Gingerly I approached my first meal, Pavels Organic Yogurt with natural New Zealand honey and some stale Walnuts. What a feast, my taste buds acted like the Los Angeles Master Choral, singing their hearts out, rejoicing, actually yodeling in controlled spasm. Conducted by the layering of food particles marching over my starving tongue. It was pure pleasure, reminding me of Huysman's Essenties in "Against Nature", who in the need for controlling his senses embarked in designing a olyfacturous machine spitting out smells according to symphonic orders. Allowing the operator to be carried down the memory lane of smelly encounters, ingrained as they are in ones sub conscious memory. 
Anyway I did not want to stop my oral pleasure. So I took smaller and smaller bites, until my my spoon showed only microscopic amounts of this ambrosia. Nevertheless there was an end, even after liking the bowl and a three feet circle of the surrounding area. This made me quite looking forward for the next meal, yet knowing that this euphoric sensation has to wear off after a couple of meals. 
My next meal was Wabi-Sabi's, a local Venice hangout, Vegan Miso Soup. A dish Tao Ruspoli turned me on to. Either I was too sensitive after fasting or they changed the ingredients, my taste buds were already jaded, but my stomach started to scream. A whole 12 tone orchestra was playing in there. Stockhausen or Schoenberg, who could tell definitely not Philip Glass. Not to melodic. The whole intermezzo lured my into the public bathroom, where I was slightly hesitant to let those  musicians out. Fearing and amplified and trompetous exit. Thanks to another noisy LA restaurant, all this commotion was just another blip in the chatter of an active friday night dating ritual.
After my bowels quieted down I remembered that I have tickets for the Kronos Quartett the next night at Disney Hall.


AbouMack said...

some of these poetic ruminations should be stenciled onto sewage pipes, everywhere

Unknown said...

I will forward your musical comments to Philip Glass ...